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GENLIB 1.1.3 - 09/19/2010 @ 20:58:59
Hi folks,
It was a long time since the last release (or news). But recently I wanted to play cf (yes, yes, the beta which was released, since the rework takes too, much time). I read the code I wrote. It was really ugly.
So I play it again on AMS 2.09 for 92+ (Yes I didn't try on PedroM, since it was packed for AMS - I should release this beta in a format compatible with PedroM - for those who don't remember, cf uses TI-BASIC and a really special way to install itself on the calculator - maybe because it was way too big!).
I use the latest version of PreOs with the latest libraries.
I play and ... I found many compatibility problems... I really should fix them so that TI newcomers can play it. Once of them is that it stalls in one of CF demos. You can bypass it on an emulator, but on real calculator you have to reset it...
Once of them was a regression in genlib!
The update of max16 didn't take into account the vertical and horizontal flipping at all!
All the maps were buggy!
So I did fix this bug and here is the new release of genlib with the bug fix.
By the way, tiemu really sucks with genlib!

PedroM 0.82 - 10/04/2009 @ 11:59:34
PedroM 0.82 has finally been released.
PedroM is a new and completely free (released under the GPL) Operating System for the TI-89, TI-92+, V200 and TI-89 Titanium calculators of Texas Instruments. It replaces entirely the original Operating System provided by Texas Instruments (called AMS for Advanced Mathematics Software). PedroM is not affiliated to Texas Instrument in any way: it was developed from scratch.
It features:
* a Unix terminal like environment;
* a high compatibility level with ASM/C programs designed for AMS;
* higher performance and smaller foot print than AMS;
* an optional CAS engine.

The main new features from PedroM 0.81 are:
+ bugs fixed : more application can be run,
+ new system variables : font
+ new interfaces for PedroM designated programs;
+ link stability has been improved.
+ The OS images are now signed,
+ a new build system based on Unix Makefile and on ld-tigcc which provides a huge level of flexibility (allowing more developers to join and integration of Unix like libraries),
+ (optional) integration of the GMP(, MPFR ( and MAYLIB (a custom made library) which helps PedroM to provide a symbolic engine.

To run the symbolic engine, you have to build PedroM with it (The delivered OS images have it). Then you enter the symbolic engine by typing the command 'zs'. You'll enter a new shell of command with the following properties. Note that this shell is not the final interface: it is used for beta testing the symbolic engine.
You can type any mathematical expression, then press ENTER to evaluate it (For example, 2*x-x is simplified into x). The evaluation should be always exact except for a set of measure zero.
You can enter arbitrarily long integer, fraction or floats (For example, 500!-3/2). The precision of the floats can be changed anytime by using the prec function. Note that the floats used in this mode are based on MPFR and are much, much reliable than the floats used outside the symbolic engine.

You can save some values inside 26 variables : 'a' to 'z' (For example, 2+x STO a -- Note that STO is the STORE character used to store on AMS in the variables) and use them latter (For example, expand (a^2)). To delete a variable, store nothing in it (Example: STO a)
See the manual to read the available commands.

The advantage/disadvantages of PedroM CAS engine versus AMS one:
* AMS engine is based on DERIVE and is much more complete and tested;
* PedroM engine is faster and can handle bigger problem than AMS (See other news);
* PedroM engine lacks of Matrix, limits, indefinite sums, a solver and a complete language; integration and factorization are quite limited;
* PedroM engine allows use of arbitrary precision float and accurate approximation of mathematical expression.

What is planned for the next release:
* Add a graph application;
* Add a ASM/C compiler application;
* Improve CAS engine;
* Add a CAS language;
* Improve compatibility and fix bugs.
If you want to help us developing theses features, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Please report any bugs/regressions of PedroM or successful tests to patrick [dot] pelissier [at] gmail [dot] com, or in this message boards.

You can download it here
Many screenshots are available in the previous news.

PreOS 1.0.7 - 07/08/2009 @ 21:12:02
Here is a new update for PreOS. This update is just a patch level release since it only fixes two bug you can get in the latest farm of 'experimental programs' of Martial Demolins (which really likes to put PreOS to its limits): one of this bug prevent PreOS to extract a program from some Pack Archive (if it has some static members) ; the other ones prevent PreOS to properly report one source of error to the user (it won't do anything before; not it reports a problem).
Anyway, to get the programs, click here.
To get the sources, click here.

Feel free to report bugs or posts comments in our message boards, here or send me an email.

A RC3 of PedroM 0.82 has been released too. A RC4 with this fix should be coming soon. Please help me testing PedroM 0.82 RC on real calculators. Thanks a lot.
[EDIT] : RC4 is available!
[EDIT2]: I have just released that I said that PedroM 0.82 should be released in September 2008... Let's hope I release it in September ... 2009!
[EDIT3]: RC5 is available!

PedroM 0.82 RC1 / RC2 - 06/20/2009 @ 21:18:34
PedroM 0.82 RC2 has been released. Please help us providing the help needed to make this release a quality one.
PedroM is a new and completely free (released under the GPL) Operating System for the TI-89, TI-92+, V200 and TI-89 Titanium calculators of Texas Instruments. It replaces entirely the original Operating System provided by Texas Instruments (called AMS for Advanced Mathematics Software). PedroM is not affiliated to Texas Instrument in any way: it was developed from scratch.
The main new features from PedroM 0.81 are:
+ bugs fixed : more application can be run,
+ new system variables : font
+ a new build system based on Unix Makefile and on ld-tigcc which provides a huge level of flexibility (allowing more developers to join and integration of Unix like libraries),
+ (optional) integration of the GMP(, MPFR ( and MAYLIB (a custom made library) which helps PedroM to provide a symbolic engine.

To run the symbolic engine, you have to build PedroM with it by using the command : make CAS=1
or use a compiled binary. Then you enter the symbolic engine by typing the command 'zs'. You'll enter a new shell of command with the following properties. Note that this shell is not the final interface: it is used for beta testing the symbolic engine.
You can type any mathematical expression, then press ENTER to evaluate it (For example, 2*x-x is simplified into x). The evaluation should be always exact except for a set of measure zero.
You can enter arbitrarily long integer, fraction or floats (For example, 500!-3/2). The precision of the floats can be changed anytime by using the prec function. Note that the floats used in this mode are based on MPFR and are much, much reliable than the floats used outside the symbolic engine.

You can save some values inside 26 variables : 'a' to 'z' (For example, 2+x STO a -- Note that STO is the STORE character used to store on AMS in the variables) and use them latter (For example, expand (a^2)). To delete a variable, store nothing in it (Example: STO a)
See the manual to read the available commands.

We need beta testers to test this release against the following calculators:
+ TI-92+ HW1
+ TI-92+ HW2
+ V200
+ TI-89 HW1
+ TI-89 HW2
+ TI-89 Titanium HW3
+ TI-89 Titanium HW4

To transfer PedroM, you may use FreeFlash available at . Don't forget to read carefully the manual of Free Flash. Installing PedroM should be safe providing you know what are doing and you have an original AMS OS (See TI site) to install in case of problem. But I don't provide any warranty, neither Texas Instruments, neither the author of FreeFlash: do it at your own risk.

The test suite is concentrated on the software hardware integration. So each beta tester has to test for its calculator:
+ sending PedroM to its calculator,
+ successful boot which shows the PedroM prompt,
+ test of the keyboard drivers:
* test if what you input in your keyboard is print on the screen,
* test of the [2ND] + key combination,
* test of the [DIAMOND] + key combination,
* test of the [SHIFT] + key combination,
* test of the auto repetition of the keys,
+ test of the handling of the screen
* test of [DIAMOND] + '+' or '-' to change the contrast,
* test of the [2ND] + 'ON' which shut down the calculator,
* test of the 'ON' which restarts the calculator,
+ test of the Flash Rom:
* write a dummy file (Use the built in text editor to create one),
* archive it using the arc command,
* reset PedroM (using the reset command),
* check that the file is still present and not corrupted,
* create a new dummy file, archive it, and reboot,
* check that the files are still present and not corrupted,
* reformat the flash using the install format command,
* check that the files are missing,
* reset PedroM and check that the files are missing,
+ test of the BATTERY indicator,
* try to find, if possible, some batteries with different levels
* test the BATTERY indicator,
* test if the archive of files is forbidden if the BATTERY is too low.
+ test of the LINK:
* send some files, and check that they were successfully loaded inside PedroM,
* get a screenshot of the calculator,
+ test of the unprotection:
* send some programs, try to run them.

Once you have done this, the software hardware integration should be good.
You can continue your test by sending some assembly programs developed for TI-89, TI-92 or V200 :
+ test of a pure nostub program,
+ test of a tigcc stub program,
+ test of a kernel program,
+ test of a PPG.

Once you have done this, the software software integration should be good.
You can continue your test by testing the symbolic engine :
+ Run 'zs' and performs what you want :)

Please report any bugs/regressions of PedroM or successful tests to patrick [dot] pelissier [at] gmail [dot] com, or in this message boards. If don't perform the full test suite, please tell it in your report.

You can download it here

Pexec 0.1 - 05/13/2009 @ 20:08:10
Martial (Folco) has released a new program for Pedrom: Pexec.
It is similar to the AMS exec command but with much more options.
You can get the new thread here or get a direct link here

Preos 1.0.6 - 05/09/2009 @ 23:31:10
Here is a new update for PreOS. This update is just a patch level release since it only fixes a bug when you want to link with a library without any export section: previously it crashed PreOS; now it reports the error. I don't think it is a must have update for the users: if it works before, it will continue to work.
Anyway, to get the programs, click here.
To get the sources, click here.

Feel free to report bugs or posts comments in our message boards, here or send me an email.

PedroM 0.82 Alpha 2 - 04/26/2009 @ 01:10:22
Here is a quick release of an alpha 2 of PedroM 0.82
The main new features from Alpha 1 are the updated versions of the used libraries: GMP 4.3.0, MPFR 2.4.1 and MAYLIB 0.7.3. It also features some basic integration command:


To download it click here.

This is an alpha release so you should avoid testing it on your calculator.
Fell free to report any bug you found on the message board, or send me an email.
The symbolic engine is very new and there are many bugs in it.

Targetting PedroM 0.82 Alpha 2 - 07/05/2008 @ 09:54:33
I have done a tiny (but better) front-end for MAYLIB for PedroM. It is not intended to be the final front end, but at least it is much more user-friendly than the previous one. Here are some screenshots:

We have started PedroM and run the expression evaluator.
Some basic expand commands.
A substitution of x in the latest reported result.
A rationalization and a factorization (not it only performs square free factorization, and all polynomials of degree 1)
Trigonemetry collect
Float evaluation, diff and gcd.

PedroM 0.82 alpha 2 should be released soon. The first beta is planned for August. The release of PedroM 0.82 should be in September.

About the PedroM and HW4 problem, as per Extended, the problem is only when you sent the OS throught the USB cable on titanium HW4, not if you sent it using the classic cable.

PedroM and HW4 - 06/03/2008 @ 19:30:38
Another news about PedroM. It is about its HW4 compatibility (for TI-89 TItanium). As far as I know, HW3 and HW4 are very similar, so since PedroM supports HW3 (without any USB support), it should support HW4 too.
However, HW4 calculators come with a new boot code, which doesn't work with FreeFlash (Thanks to Scott G. for reporting this problem). Extended (the author of FreeFlash) is currently working on this issue.
So maybe we will have soon PedroM on a HW4. I am waiting for this day :)

PedroM VS AMS - 05/31/2008 @ 23:51:21
Here is another comparison between PedroM 0.82 alpha2 (currently under development) and AMS. The used version of AMS was the latest V3.10 on V200.
The goal is to compute the series of tan(tanh(x))-tanh(tan(x)) to a high enough order so that a non null difference appears (Order 7).
First of all, let's see what AMS does after a fresh reboot (ie. all the RAM is free). It gives us this answer after more than twelve hours of computing:
I was tired of waiting, so I break the computation. Note that it should return a 'MEMORY' error if you wait long enough.

Then, let's do it with PedroM with its new series function. It gives us the right answer after less than 1 second:
Of course you could say that it is unfair since PedroM doesn't use the taylor expansion like AMS but its native series function. So let's use the taylor expansion on PedroM too:
PedroM gives us the answer in less than 4 seconds.

Let's say that PedroM does a good job on it :)
Note that the current implementation of series is far from optimal too.

[Of course, it is a well chosen example.]

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