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Genlib V 0.99.22b by PpHd
Genlib is an asm dynamic graph 4-gray tiles-oriented library for Ti-89, Ti-92 and Ti-92 + compatible with Ti-Gcc / Assembly programs.
It works on both hardware 1 and hardware 2.
The compatible roms are for the Ti-92+ (Rom 1.00, 1.01, 1.05, 2.00, 2.01, 2.03, 2.04 & 2.05) and for the Ti-89 (Rom 1.00, 1.05, 2.00, 2.01, 2.03, 2.04 & 2.05). It works on all roms of Ti-92. (I hope).

It is mainly for 2D-games which looks like the games on the famous snes and genesis. There are a lot of functions. A few of them are useless... But most of them are very usefull and quite (very) fast. Of course, you can do better functions...
(If you do such routines, please mail-me, so that I can update genlib).

Yon don't need to use graphlib, gray4lib or tigcclib for using the 4 levels of gray.
You will need at least TIGCC v0.94 to compile a C program with GenLib.

What are the features of GenLib ?

* 4 perfect levels of grey (on Hardware 1 and hardware 2).
* Scrolling (standard / line by line thanks to the Dhz & Hdz table)
* Background / Foreground / Transparent.
* 1, 2 or 3 planes for scrolling with tiles 16x16 or 8x8.
* Put transparent sprite 16x16.
* Put transparent sprite with N words x H Height (max 240x128 pixels).
* Put fast sprites : 12500 sprites (16x16) / second ! (Black & White).
* Clipping / flipping.
* The Black&White-graph-functions work with genlib.
* Zoom (Not very powerfull).
* Point / Line / Circle / Triangle drawing routines (Very fast)
* Link routines.
* Fast put string routines.
* More than 80 functions !
* Hardware v1.00, v1.50 & v2.00 compatible.
* You can use 'Ti-gcc' for creating your genlib program.
* Lights functions (Circles and triangles).
* Palette (8 palettes for tiles 16x16).
* Matrix editor.

You can get the complete Genlib documentation here

Available for 89/92+/V200 : Click here for the latest version !
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